Our Approach
We are 100% technology driven, our processes are digitized, but our approach to lending is still very much conventional, our decisions are based on the 5Cs of Lending; Character, Capacity, Condition, Capital, and Collateral.
We rely on the information and documents that you have provided us with to test your intent to repay. The more consistent, reliable and valid they are, the higher your chances with us are.
From your financial history, we are able to tell the right amount that is convenient for you to repay. Debt is not meant to be a burden on you.
When making our decisions, we assess multiple risk factors such as economic, social, political, environmental e.t.c, to help us to mitigate pitfalls that may lead to loan default in future.
Your loan needs are private to you, but we right size it for your convenience.
This is Zero and we mean it.